Is there a dress code?

At Hillside Program we instill a sense of order through our dress code. By enforcing a dress code for all who attend or assist at our program, we bear witness to the virtue of modesty, and promote a sense of unity. The use of a dress code is a wonderful part of our Catholic identity, prevents distractions, and helps ease competition during our time together. It serves to remind the children of the importance of their role, and creates a more professional environment to help facilitate learning.

Innocents Level: Dress should be neat and appropriate.

Beginner, and Grammar Level Boys: Solid neutral color slacks, white or light blue collared shirt, and full sock. Shirt sleeve length may vary based upon season.

Beginner, and Grammar Level Girls: Solid neutral color skirt or jumper, white, light blue, or pink collared shirt, and full sock. Shirt sleeve length may vary based upon season Skirt or jumper length must not be more than two fingers above the knee.

Rhetoric, and Logic Level Boys: Solid neutral color slacks, white or light blue collared shirt, tie, and full sock. Shirt sleeve length may vary based upon season.

Beginner, and Grammar Level Girls: Solid neutral color skirt, white, light blue, or pink collared shirt, and full sock. Shirt sleeve length may vary based upon season. Skirt must not be more than two fingers above the knee.

Shoes: Basic brown or black dress shoes. No sneakers, crocks, sandals, or distracting colors or patterns are permitted.

GYM Uniform: When using the gym, the children may change shoes.

All children: Hair length and style should be kept neat and appropriate. Personal hygiene is expected of all as it is an important part of a child’s rearing.

Parents, Volunteers and Mentors: As we strive to set solid examples for our children to follow, parents, volunteers, and mentors are asked to dress professionally.